Tuesday 11 January 2011

Advert comparison

Mariah Carey Forever

Mariah Carey facial expressions are relaxed and calm. She is staring directly at the camera so she is using a direct mode of address.
Mariah has been chosen because the perfume is made by her, her tag line is an ethereal presence captivating like a song, because she is a singer the tag line relates to what she does which is sing. There is kind of a female stereotype being used, because is naked and laying in water which is not really necessary for a perfume it will attract men’s eyes more instead of woman but it fit in because she wants to create a calm relaxed atmosphere and the back ground scene was chosen because it reminds of her favourite places she loves.
We associate with this product because Mariah Carey is beautiful and is a big inspiration to allot of people worldwide so the perfume and message in this picture is like a thanks you message for supporting her and people who is a big fan of her would like to buy her perfume.
Mariah in this photo is lying down on her chest in the water, she has her hand on her head and her face levelled with her shoulder pose, she is posing that way to link to the atmosphere of the background.
The background is orange and navy clouds with a purple sky which reflects into the water to give the water a purple/range colour. The colours are not too much or too bright or to dark there just about perfect. The bright orange in the photo stands out because it’s meant to be the sun set. Usually in a perfume add the model is usually standing up straight but in this perfume add she is laying down landscape which is more different and unique.
The target audience is from young teenager onward.

Beyonce Heat

Beyonce expression on her face is quiet sexually and fierce, she is also staring directly into the camera so it makes it direct mode of address.
Beyonce has been chosen because she is famous and it’s her own product.
The stereotype in her perfume add it beauty bunny and fashionista because she all glamorous up. Beyonce is another big inspiration to allot of people worldwide and all her fans that love her would want to know what type of perfume she would wear so it’s like a gift from her to the people who loves her.
Beyonce is posing with her hand on her cheek and her hip more out and in the centre on the photo. Her photo a bit to sexual because she is wearing a dress that expose the middle of her boobs and is inappropriate for young ages children but on the other hand her pose does link with the name to her perfume “HEAT” and the atmospheres of the background and colour layout.
The settings is a blackish reddish mixed together colour background and with Beyonce wearing the silky red dress which fits in with the colours scheme and the perfume bottle which is red as well so it all fits together and its not to bright or dark or blurry, it like a dim darkness which matches the atmosphere.
The target audience for bounce heat would be older teenager and onward.

Comparison Questions  
The main differences between the Beyonce and Mariah Carey perfume add is that the Mariah Carey is more aimed at teenager and the Beyonce perfume is more sexually provocative and aimed at older woman.

There not really a main difference in these two perfumes adds because there both glamorous girl and both are beauty bunny and there perfume are both sexual provocative but there the way they pose tells me what target audience its aimed at and Mariah Carey’s photo is more clean and hidden than Beyonce HEAT photo.

In their ads they have used different persuasive techniques by using the Sub Title there different phrases and different meanings.

1 comment:

  1. Wow:Leeana, in this analysis you have used the concepts we have learnt in class well and display a fair understanding of how the two stars are represented.

    Now: Mariah did not make the perfume so you will need to change this. If you state it is a direct mode of address you do not need to say that the model is looking at us. Rather than tag line use the words 'anchorage text'.Check your work as there are some simple errors of mispellings or sentences that you have left a word out of. You need to address the prompts more specifically.

    Now: Look through the questions prompts again and check you have directly addressed each one. What lifestyle category is each advert aimed at? What persuasive techniques do they both use? Be more analytical and less descriptive.

    Mock grade: Your mock grade is a D. I know this is not reflective of what you can achieve and I am sure that when you made improvements that this analysis will be much better.
