Thursday 9 December 2010

Female representation

The collage of representation of woman tells us what people think woman should do.
Image1 give the expression that women are housewife they should clean up and cook and look after the husband and do the shopping and so on. Image 3 is about women being sexy and fit and is basically known as men’s sex symbol the image also portrays a vision that if you use this perfume boys will be all over you even though it’s not true but it tricks the public into thinking its true. Image 4 is about women being represented as fashionista models that keep men entertained by getting there photos taken so it can be put in magazines. Image 5 is symbolised as woman being beautiful using cosmetics such as make-up and fake eye lashes and nails. Image 6 is being symbolised as woman yet again being housewives by cooking cleaning shopping and so on while men go out and do the hard work. Image 7 is stereotypical because men say there stronger than women and women gets offended by that so this photo send out a message saying “yeah us woman’s can be stronger than men!” Image 8 is symbolises that women should be beautiful. Image 9 is symbolised as a plus size woman that can still be model even though there not the average weight criteria of the model industry. Image 10 is viewed that women should be a certain size even though most women are not the ideal size that the media industry accepts.
Some of these images are mainly focused on beauty having the perfect size, skin, hair and looks. That’s why women are stereotyped as caring about how their appearance and wanting to have the perfect skin like Beyonce and the perfect hair like Eva Longora. Even though the adverts are edited and airbrushed to look like their product actually make your skin look like that and the hair products actually make your split end gone and your hair will come out lushes and shiny and so on.

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