Tuesday 18 October 2011

chart analysis

My first question asks if people buy magazines, 42.9% don’t buy magazines and 42.9% does buy magazines but sometimes not often which leave 28.5% which buys magazines.
My second question tells me how often people buy magazines and 57.1% of people buy magazines whenever they want.
My third questions tells me that 66.7% would like magazines to be publishes weekly and also 66.7% of people would like it to be published monthly as well.
My fourth question tells me how much money people pay to buy a magazine, 71.4% pays between £1-£2 on magazines, 57.1% spends £3-£4 on magazines and 14.3 spends between £5-£6 on magazines this tells me that majority of people prefer to spend less on magazines.
This questions lets me know what type of magazines people prefer to read, iv listed 5 popular magazines people reads and 60.0% prefer to read the OK magazine, which is filled with information about celebrity’s and gossip so that when I’m designing my magazine I should include well known celebs and gossip readers would be interested in.

This question lets me know what type of people I should have on my front cover of my magazine. 66.7% would like to see a celebrity on my front cover and 33.3% would like to see a model on the front cover. 
This question guides me to what I should include more in my magazine, 71.4% would like to read more about gossip, so I should include that when I’m making my magazine and the second popular option is celebrity life story’s and beauty tips so I should keep that in mind when it comes to making my magazines.
This question tells me whether to sell my magazine for an affordable price or expensive. No one wants to buy a magazine for £4-£5, 71.4 would pay between £2-£3 on a magazine, so they prefer an affordable price.
This question tells me what colour I should include in my magazine that people will like and would attract people’s attention, 100.0% would prefer bright colours whereas 57.1 prefer sparkly colours so I should include both of them in my magazine.

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