Tuesday 11 October 2011

Analysing the two page spread

The type of languages used in Tulisa’s interview is informal because she’s answering the questions she’s been asked in the interview comfortably she’s not hesitant or rude because the magazine is aimed at teenagers, for example “how do you feel about the chav label” supposedly someone from a council estate with a cockney accent, that doesn’t make you a bad person, she relates to us to because she’s been through it before so she’s relates to the audience reading her article in a capable way. The colours being used in Tulisa’s article are light baby blues and white with black text writing, the colours are soft and warm, the colours tells us that Tulisa is not a diva she’s more gentle and calm because the questions about her life family problems and her place as an X Factor judge so the colours blends it great.  The style of the text is bold for the questions being asked and the answers are small and regular thin writing, which blends in with the back ground colour. The double page spread is layered out on two pages with the interviewed on two pages and Tulisa has her own photo on one page with quotes of her answers to attract the reader’s attention and engage them to her story. The tone being used in the article is calm and appropriate because there having a conversation with each other without Tulisa being uncomfortable with the questions. Tulisa being represented as a fashion role model in this magazine, also the article is different to the front cover of the magazine, the front cover is more bright and glamorous because it includes the colour pink, and the writing is more in your face and eye popping, the article is more gentle and warm because of the colour baby blue and the text and writing style is more plain than fancy.

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