Tuesday 21 June 2011

Trailer analysis questions

A movie trailer is an advertisement that tells us about an upcoming film that will be shown at the cinemas.  A trailer includes key parts from the film but in different order and doesn’t give away any important plot details. The names of the main stars are put on screen early in the trailer, so it lets the audience know who’s going to be starring in the film. Audience will often decide they want to see a film just because of the stars in it. A trailer also includes the name of the director/ producers of the film with phrases such as “from the directors of/makers of...” This helps the audience to make connection between the film being trailed and previously and recognised films.
Many mainstream films will use a powerful voice-over that draws out attention to the key points of the film. On screen text gives important information about the film, including the stars, directors/producers, tagline, and title and release date. Music is essential in trailers as it can suggest the genre, style and plot of the film.
The target audience for this film is teenagers and adults who are interested into fantasy, drama and thriller. The unique selling point of The Lovely Bones is the interpretation of the afterlife the dreamscapes are imaginative and visually amazing but are ultimately distracting from the main focus of the narrative that would attract the audience’s attention. The trailer gives away a few hints about the movie like when it showed the scene where the police are investigating the dead body and where the girl is in a fantasy looking scene which is meant to be heaven. The main characters are visible they are there in the entire trailer and there is not information on who direct the film only the film company and the narrators voice is overused by the characters in the film trailer.
The genre of the film has been represented through characters by having an innocent character and murder, an investigator that tells me that the genres a thriller, also the lighting in the movies quiet dull and the places where she goes are very desolate and the music is not the type you would play when you happy it’s more of a mysterious, spooky music. The camera angles in the film are mainly close up, long shot, bird’s eye view, high angle and side shot, the shots goes with how the film has been presented.
I get a better description from the trailer than the poster because the trailer gives out more about the genre by having a narrator describe the a bit about the plot and hearing the music to tell me what type of genre it is and seeing the lighting and camera shots and the different shades of colour being used and the poster just tells us who produces it and what actors are going to be in the film and the picture is still you can’t really tell what it’s about unless it has a synopsis with it. With the trailer you get more information about the plot and less confuse about what’s going on in the film, this makes the film more desirable to the audience because the audience has a better upstanding of what the films about.
The advantage of using an internet trailer to promote a film over using a poster campaign is that it gains the audiences because it’s being shown on televisions and been played on radios and the majority of teenagers and people watch television and listen to the radio. It also gives us a good amount of information but not too much to for us to know what exactly the films about. A trailer has sound so we can know what type of music is being played to grab out attention also taglines and the expressions of the characters.

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