Tuesday 21 June 2011

Assingment bank 2

The typical codes and convections of the movie poster are,
A film director- is a person who directs the actors and crew in the making of a film. They control a film's artistic and dramatic aspects, while guiding the technical crew and actors.
Title of Film-Allot of effort goes into the title e.g. (Style, font, colour, size and placement) it is meant to be unforgettable and also give us a hint about the genre of the film.

Tagline- it’s like a catchy slogan of the advertisement –offering another clue or the genre of the film.

The image- Related to the character and the stars in the films or the setting of the film.

Production Blurb- Information in tiny print that list the production and distribution companies as well as other information.
Film distributer- is a company or individual responsible for releasing film to the public either theatrically or for home viewing or through theatrical exhibitors and other sub-distributors.
Certificate of the film- produced film reviews with guidance and advice.

The genre of the film is, Drama, Fantasy and thriller. I figured out it’s a thriller because her facial expression aren’t happy there shock, her eyes filled with terror and it looks like she’s scared. It’s a drama because the man identity is not being showed he’s hidden and the way the colour are light and as it get closer to the hidden man it goes dark/misty. It looks like a fantasy because there’s a male and female both genders are being presented.
The girl in the poster looked shocked and terrified and the man in the shadow seems mysterious and makes the audience want to know who he is and what’s going on. Also the setting has been placed in a forest and the way the changed the shades of colour as it moves near to the shadow man makes the film look like a thriller.

 The word ‘Lovely’ In the title The lovely bones is designed big and bold so it stands out from the rest or the word because it gives us a clue that the girl has been murdered and that’s the only thing left of her, and the word ‘bones’ I would usually think of death, something frightening. The titles been design this way because it’s simple and unique and goes with the theme and picture its not to drastic.
Anyone who’s into thriller, fantasy or drama would go and watch this film. Also the director Peter Jackson is well known for directing the films ‘Lord Of The Rings and ‘King Kong’ and people who’s a fan of him would go and see this film as well. Also the theme sounds interesting and would attract your attention easily and would make you want to watch the film.     
This film does not contain any interextuality or is reference to books television programmes of music tracks; it’s a new and is not based on other films.
DreamWorks produced this film it’s also a major Hollywood company but mainly produce animated films. The film company posted the poster on cinemas screens, magazines, the advertised it on television and on bill boards.  

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