Thursday 9 December 2010

Female representation

The collage of representation of woman tells us what people think woman should do.
Image1 give the expression that women are housewife they should clean up and cook and look after the husband and do the shopping and so on. Image 3 is about women being sexy and fit and is basically known as men’s sex symbol the image also portrays a vision that if you use this perfume boys will be all over you even though it’s not true but it tricks the public into thinking its true. Image 4 is about women being represented as fashionista models that keep men entertained by getting there photos taken so it can be put in magazines. Image 5 is symbolised as woman being beautiful using cosmetics such as make-up and fake eye lashes and nails. Image 6 is being symbolised as woman yet again being housewives by cooking cleaning shopping and so on while men go out and do the hard work. Image 7 is stereotypical because men say there stronger than women and women gets offended by that so this photo send out a message saying “yeah us woman’s can be stronger than men!” Image 8 is symbolises that women should be beautiful. Image 9 is symbolised as a plus size woman that can still be model even though there not the average weight criteria of the model industry. Image 10 is viewed that women should be a certain size even though most women are not the ideal size that the media industry accepts.
Some of these images are mainly focused on beauty having the perfect size, skin, hair and looks. That’s why women are stereotyped as caring about how their appearance and wanting to have the perfect skin like Beyonce and the perfect hair like Eva Longora. Even though the adverts are edited and airbrushed to look like their product actually make your skin look like that and the hair products actually make your split end gone and your hair will come out lushes and shiny and so on.

Gender representation in Advertising

How might the following objects ne gendered through advertising?

Sports Car: A sports car advertised at a man could have a Lewis Hamilton driving down the streets the all the ladies stare, men would wants to be in there position to attract the ladies.

For advertising the sports car for woman you would have a Megan Fox speeding down the street with men trying to catch up then her catch phrase would be “Feel the speed”

A Diving Watch   A diving watch advertised at a male would have a female in a bikini diving into the water and as she’s diving you would see the watch stand out and while she is in the water she checks out her as she is swimming and the other people’s non-waterproof breaks and leaves them very sad.

A diving watch advertised at a female would have a male with his hair wet slicked back comes out of the swimming pool and checks his watch and it would tell him how deep he went in the water and how long he was down there for.

Bottled Beer

A bottle of beer advertised for a male you would have his girlfriend/ wife bringing back load of bag from shopping and she’s struggling and the male would come and snatch the back from here pretending like he care then pulled out a bottle of bear drops the bags and walk off leaving the girlfriend shocked.

A bottle of beer advertised for a female you would have a girl’s day and they would go to the shops and by a pack of beer then go home partying with beer in their hands.

Toilet Paper

Toilet Paper advertised for a male you would have a male on the toilet calling for his wife to bring his toilet paper, then once he cleans himself and he walked out you would see the toilet paper stuck under both of his feet.

Toilet Paper Advertised at a female she would be holding a drink and she would drop her drink and spill it then she opens her cupboard and pulls out toilet role and wipe away the spillage.


Deodorant advertised for female you would have a woman working so hard sweating like mad and when she stretches her colleges notice a sweat patch and point at her laughing so she pulls at of her bag deodorant and sprays her pits and when she lifts her up her arm and her college try’s to point at her laughing again then notice there’s no sweat patch so he feels stupid and she walks away smiling.

Deodorant for male would have a man jogging and smelling under his pits then he pulls out his deodorant and sprays his pit and there are no smelly pits.


Cigarettes advertised at a male you would have a male in a tuxedo at a fancy rich party and he pulled out his box of cigarettes and take one out at smokes one everyone’s shocked because usually at a rich party you would smoke cigars.

Cigarettes advertised at a female would have a female stressed out she will pull a cigarette out and smoke it and feel better.

An IPod
An IPOD advertised at male and female would have people dancing having a good time bopping their heads to the music with their headphones in having a good time.


Trainers advertised for male and female you would have the male and females jogging in the wrong shoes and they would take their shoe off and they would have cuts and blisters on their feet so they go to office and but a pair of trainers and it keeps their feet happy and cut/blisters free.

A Game Console

A game console is unisex so, a game console advertised for male and female could have different types of celebrity’s playing games on it having fun.

An Air Line

An air line advertised for men would have loads of beautiful ladies dressed up in an air line uniform walking down the lane and there’s a man in the middle so he’s surrounded by ladies and all the men are jealous because they want to be in his position.

Air line advertised for woman would have loads of men carrying luggage around and all the ladies would get happy and want to go to that airline.

Representation in Advertising


Photo 1 links with The Alpha Female: She mainly focuses on work that’s her life, she’s definitely in control, she has no emotions of love and she is not shown as a mother or a lover and that’s what scare people.

Photo 2 links with The Beauty Bunny: Penelope Cruz is into every new beauty product that comes into the beauty industry. She believes that every beauty product will work because there science in their product.

Photo 3 links with The Fashionista: Kate moss appears in every magazine, she is portrayed as someone who is only interested in ht way they look, she wants to know about all the latest clothes, shoes, and bags and new lip gloss, she has no intelligence or personality.    

Photo 4 links with The Perfect mum: She has the biggest concern about her kids, she don’t look at herself as a sexy or ambitious woman, she’s pushed everything out of her life for her kids and she’s in every advertisement about household product.

Photo 5 links with The Granny: She is the perfect mum fast forward 20 years or so. She has few interests outside her grandchildren.


The photo is positioned at a side angle her body language soft and calm she is posing over the shoulder to give and elegant/ sexy look.

The background is black it makes the actress stand out and the theme goes with the perfume.

The actress in the advert is                       Nicole Kidman, she is presented as a fierce but at the same time calm because the ways she’s posing and the background is dark black but it makes her hair stand out.

Nicole is large in the frame so they dominate the frame. They are promoting a classy, classical and seek lifestyle.
 The angle the photo has been taken from a straight angle.
Nicole is looking directly at us so it’s a direct mode of address.
 This advert has fulfilled confidence, sexual intimacy and respect by others.

The Objects that are featured are bracelets, necklace, and earrings. Those objects are being featured because it makes the advert look expensive and elegant.

The background is plain dark black to make the perfume and the actor stand out.
The colour mostly in the picture is black.
The lighting looks natural because there’s not that much editing and colour changing in the photo but it does look a little bit airbrushed.
I think the photo has been cropped because only the top half of her body in the photo not her legs but then again you wouldn’t need the full body in the photo you would only focus on the top half next to the perfume.