Thursday 7 July 2011

Evaluative Analysis

In my poster the conventions I used eye catching image, I had the title of the film, a tagline, the names of the actors and director, and the production blurb. The eyes catching image with grab their attention and would want to know more about the film. The tagline will give out a hint of what genre the film is, the name of the actors will let them know who’s in the film and they might have a favourite actor and would get them more interested in seeing the film also the same for the director and it will also the audience engaged. The title the way its constructed, font or style also suggest the genre of the film and it’s also meant to be the name of the film and its meant to be memorable, which will keep make the audience want to see the film to know what’s it about.

In my poster the most eye catching object is the picture and the title I presented it to be eye catching and bold so it can grab the audience attention and get them engaged. The text and image mixed together creates a more sophisticated image because the tile hints out the genre of the film and the image give us a clue what the films about.

In my trailer storyboard the conventions I used was the title of the film, the name of the main stars so the audience will know who will star in the film. I also included the names of the director, on screen text and information about the film including stars names the director, tagline title and release date, music in the trailer so it can suggest the genre, style and the plot of the film.

I have represented my main character to be a hero and to dress casual to blend in with the other people and the rest of the characters that are in the military to be dressed in army costume and be represented as a hero as well and also fighter of the country. I have chosen paramount pictures to distribute my film because it’s a popular film company and  will give the audience another reason to see watch the film.

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